[biostatistics, statistics, Ask the Expert, biometrics, clinical trials]

The Benefits of Utilizing Biostatistics Experts in Protocol Design

Protocol design is a critical part of the clinical trial process. It’s essential to have well-defined protocols in place that outline the specifics of a study. It’s also important to make sure that these protocols are sound and effective, as flawed protocols can lead to inaccurate data and outcomes. To ensure protocol design accuracy, biostatistics experts should be brought on board during the development stage. Let’s explore why this is so important. 

Biostatistics experts are highly knowledgeable when it comes to utilizing statistical methods for assessing clinical trials. They work with protocol designers to identify and evaluate potential issues at various stages throughout the trial process, from concept to completion. By involving biostatisticians in the protocol design process, you can be confident that your protocols are based on scientific evidence and best practices rather than assumptions or guesswork.  

Our SVP of Biostatistics & Strategic Consulting, Adam Hamm, notes that "the most successful efforts I have seen that led to regulatory approval had an early integrated and highly involved statistician. 

In addition to identifying potential issues, biostatisticians offer their expertise on how best to measure the effectiveness of a particular treatment or intervention. This includes evaluating how well different types of data measure up against each other and deciding which type is most appropriate for a given study. They can also help with sample size calculations and provide guidance on which statistical tests should be used when analyzing data from various trials. Finally, they can suggest ways to reduce bias by conducting sensitivity analyses and implementing strategies such as randomization or double-blinding techniques. 

Adam Hamm, SVP Biostatistics, believes that "It's never too soon" to involve a biostatistician in the study, and "the very best partnerships are established at the beginning." It’s important to involve biostatisticians early in the protocol design process so that any problems or discrepancies can be identified and addressed before the trial begins. Having biostats experts involved from the start allows them to recommend changes that could improve study design before too much time has been invested in developing an inadequate protocol structure or methodology. This saves money, time, effort, and resources in the long run by ensuring that your protocols are based on sound science rather than guesswork or assumptions. Plus, if there are any flaws found after implementation begins, it will require significantly more effort (and cost) to make corrections later down the line—if corrections are even possible at all! Adam also notes that "almost every rescue study has the same two themes, and they are completely preventable." 

It is always beneficial—not only financially but also scientifically—to involve biostatistics experts while designing your clinical trial protocols. Their knowledge and experience allow them to identify any potential problems early on so that corrective action can be taken before too much time has been invested into flawed methodology or incorrect procedures/protocols have been implemented. Thus, having an experienced biostats expert involved throughout every stage of your clinical research project ensures accurate results and reduces financial costs in the long run! 

If you would like to connect with anyone from our SDC team, please email us here.

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