[biostatistics, statistics, biometrics, clinical trials, decentralizedclinicaltrials]

SDC Capture in DCTs

Decentralized clinical trials (DCTs) have several benefits when compared to traditional clinical trials for the right trials where patients really do not need the in clinic requirements.  By using technology like SDC Capture to make participation of patients easier and accommodating their needs, DCTs can bring about increased enrollment, diversity, engagement, and retention.  Some of the benefits of DCTs are:   

  1. Increased patient enrollment and engagement: DCT technology like SDC Capture, allows patients to participate in clinical trials from the comfort of their own home and can remove geographical barriers to make it easier and provide greater flexibility.  This can lead to increased enrollment, satisfaction, retention, and evaluable patients to measure results.
  2. Increased Diversity: DCTs can help increase diversity in clinical trials by allowing patients from a wider range of locations and demographics to participate.  This can help ensure that the results of the study are more representative of the general population.
  3. Reduced costs: DCTs can reduce the costs associated with traditional clinical trials by reducing the need for site visits, the amount of paperwork, administrative tasks, and expediting patient enrollment and data collection.
  4. Improved data quality: DCTs linked with key technologies can improve the quality of data collected by leveraging assessment reminders to patients, using real-time digital collection, integration with key data sources, visualizations and trend reporting, and cloud-based data storage. This can reduce the risk of errors and improve the accuracy and completeness of data when compared to antiquated after the fact paper-based data collection.

Currently, SDC is  excited to continue our deployment and will be leveraging SDC Capture on an upcoming phase 1 oncology study with 24 subjects at 4 sites to capture the necessary data remotely and make participation easier for the subjects involved in the study.

Overall, the benefits of DCT technology are likely to outweigh the costs, particularly as technology continues to advance and more options are brought to market. It is likely that all trials will eventually become decentralized or hybrid depending on therapeutic areas. By doing away with antiquated paper-based data collection, DCTs will improve the efficiencies and quality of clinical trials.

To learn more about how SDC's technology suite can help you deploy more efficient DCT and hybrid trials: https://www.sdcclinical.com/dcttech/ 

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