[clinical research, Health Tech, Patient Empowerment, ePro]

How SDC Capture’s BYOD ePRO Solution is Redefining Clinical Trials

How SDC Capture’s BYOD ePRO Solution is Redefining Clinical Trials

In the dynamic world of clinical research, SDC Capture’s Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Electronic Patient Reported Outcome (ePRO) solution is making a significant impact. This innovative iPhone app is transforming the way clinical trials are conducted, offering new levels of efficiency, cost effectiveness and participant engagement.

Seamless Integration

One of the most compelling aspects of SDC Capture’s BYOD ePRO solution is its ability to integrate seamlessly with participants' personal devices. By allowing participants to use their own smartphones or tablets, the solution eliminates the usual barriers associated with new technology. This ease of integration simplifies the data collection process while improving the accuracy and protocol compliance, making it smoother and more efficient for both participants and researchers.

Boosting Participant Engagement

Participants are more likely to engage actively and consistently when using their own devices and are less likely to leave home without their own device. The familiarity with their smartphones helps them interact with the app in a way that feels natural and convenient. This increased engagement leads to more accurate and timely feedback, which is crucial for the success of clinical trials and the reliability of the collected data.

Cost Efficiency Redefined

Managing additional hardware for clinical trials can be costly and complex. SDC Capture’s BYOD model addresses this challenge by utilizing devices that participants already own for more than 90% of clinical trial participants. This approach not only reduces the financial burden associated with providing and managing hardware but also streamlines the logistical aspects of running a trial.

Enhancing User Experience

The design of the ePRO app focuses on creating a user-friendly experience. By offering an intuitive interface, the app ensures that participants can navigate the platform with ease. This ease of use promotes higher compliance rates and contributes to a smoother trial process. The app integrates seamlessly into participants' lives, supporting consistent and reliable data collection. The SDC Capture app also incorporates patient engagement feedback and integrates with near real-time patient fees, upcoming visit reminders, and eThank you notes to truly show the patients how they make a significant difference in clinical research for many patients around the globe.

Advancing Clinical Research

The real-time data collection capabilities of the ePRO app represent a significant advancement for clinical research. The physicians stay close to the data near real-time via the SDC Capture configuration center. Researchers benefit from precise and timely feedback provided by participants, which is essential for developing new therapies and refining clinical practices. The app’s integration into daily routines, with upcoming visit reminders, ensures that the data gathered is both relevant and actionable.

In Summary

SDC Capture’s BYOD ePRO solution is a transformative tool for clinical trials, offering enhanced efficiency, participant engagement, and cost-effectiveness. By allowing the use of personal devices, the app simplifies data collection and supports a more streamlined research process. For clinical researchers looking to optimize their trials and gather high-quality data, this innovative iPhone app provides a compelling solution.

Click here to learn more and start using our ePRO app today!

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